Хязгааргүй брэндийн үнэ цэнэ
Sofol-ийн хийж байгаа зүйл бол хэрэглэгчдэд хэмнэлттэй, тохиромжтой үйлдвэрлэлийн шугамыг тохируулах, брэндийн үнэ цэнийг бий болгох явдал юм.
UNSPSC Codes Metadata Updated: August 7, 2021. The United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC) is a hierarchical convention that is used to classify all products and services. Access & Use Information. Public: This dataset is intended for public access and use. Non-Federal: ...
2. Хазаар, ногт, ганзага зэрэгт мөнгө гууль зэргээр үмхүүлэн хийсэн гархи; 3. Бэлзэг; хуруунд зүүх гархи хэлбэртэй чимэг: бөгж зүүх (хуруундаа бэлзэг зүүх), алтан бөгж (алтаар хийсэн ...
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O*NET Resource Center is a workforce professional, developer, and research portal with data, tools, websites, technical documentation, and customer support information. ... UNSPSC Reference - O*NET 20.1 Data Dictionary by U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 ...
O цагирган битүүмжлэл нь "O" хэлбэрийн резинэн цагирагийн хэсгийг хэлнэ. Энэ бол хамгийн өргөн хэрэглэгддэг гидравлик болон хийн дамжуулах системийн төрөл юм. Ихэнх тохиолдолд шингэн ба хийн орчин алдагдахаас сэргийлж статик нөхцөлд механик эд ангиудад ашигладаг.
This file contains a listing of commodities in the United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC), version 15.1101. The UNSPSC is a four-level taxonomy for the classification of products and services, provided by the United Nations Development Programme.In the taxonomy, the Segment is the most general element and the Commodity is the most specific.
The United Nations Standard Products and Services Code® (UNSPSC®) is a global classification system of products and services.. These codes are used to classify products and services: in the case of suppliers, to classify the products and services of their company, and in the case of UN staff members, to classify the products and services when publishing procurement opportunities.
This file contains a listing of commodities in the United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC), version 15.1101. The UNSPSC is a four-level taxonomy for the classification of products and services, provided by the United Nations Development Programme.In the taxonomy, the Segment is the most general element and the Commodity is the most specific.
The UNSPSC is a four-level taxonomy for the classification of products and services, provided by the United Nations Development Programme. In the taxonomy, the Segment is the most general element and the Commodity is the most specific. One example is listed below:
United Nations Standard Products and Services Codes (UNSPSC) The full set of UNSPSCs used by the Department of Commerce and mapped to F/PSCs can be found in the following link: DOC UNSPSCs Mapped to F/PSCs. UNSPSC Required Use Memo. Office of Acquisition Management. Office of the Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary for …
The UNSPSC list was established as a hierarchy with 5 different levels of classification that make up a single 10-digit code. Each of the 5 levels are represented by a 2-digit code, and each 2-digit jump provides greater details about the good or service. The state of California has limited it's UNSPSC list selections to 6 and 8 digit codes.
What does UNSPSC mean? Information and translations of UNSPSC in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Login . The STANDS4 Network ...
Бөгж болон ээмэг тус бүрийн гол Мойзанит дээр өөрийн гэсэн дахин давтагдашгүй лазер код шивигдсэн байдаг. Тухайн кодтой лабораторийн …
Recuerde que el UNSPSC tiene cuatro niveles: "Segmento", "Familia", "Clase", "Producto". En el Plan de Adquisiciones de la entidad estatal, usted debe codificar cada bien y servicio mínimo a Nivel 3 o de "Clase", dependiendo de las características del producto y de la información adicional que le pueda suministrar a los
The UNSPSC is a global classification structure for products and services designed to address the diverse needs of businesses and groups involved in buying, selling, analyzing, and regulating goods and services worldwide. UNSPSCs consist of eight digits representing the following four hierarchical classifications, which consist of two-digits each:
Yiwu Great Seal Rubber Products компани нь Жэжян хотод 20 гаруй жилийн туршлагатай, мэргэжлийн лацдан холболтын бүтээгдэхүүн үйлдвэрлэж ирсэн.
We use cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, improve performance, analyze traffic, and to personalize content. By continuing to …
O UNSPSC foi desenvolvido conjuntamente pelo Programa de Desenvolvimento das Nações Unidas (UNDP) e pela Dan & Bradstreet Corporation (D & B) em 1998. Quais são os benefícios? Os clientes de hoje - internos e externos – demandam um cumprimento de ações mais rápidas a um custo mais baixo; o aumento de negócio na área de E-Business.
Oam United Nations Standard Products and Services Codes (UNSPSC) The full set of UNSPSCs used by the Department of Commerce and mapped to F/PSCs can be found in the following link: DOC UNSPSCs Mapped to F/PSCs UNSPSC Required Use Memo Office of Acquisition Management Office of the Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary for …
UNSPSC Code: 42182703: Features. Image shows rod on the scale, the scale is sold seperately 6 AA batteries included, 120V adapte Professionals Also Viewed. View Full Comparison #1014770; 263; Health O Meter #205HR; Height Measuring Rod Health O …
Compared to UNSPSC, eclass has one more advantage. The standardized classification system under eclass, helps to perform statistical evaluation. It also helps to find, seek and describe products in a targeted manner. For this reason standard sets of properties are attached to the four levels of classification structure.
CATALOGO DE PRODUCTOS Y SERVICIOS ESTANDAR DE LAS NACIONES UNIDAS (UNSPSC) CODIGO-TITULO DETALLE (descripción) 10000000 Material, Accesorios y Suministros de Plantas y Animales Vivos ... desperdicios o equipo para la gestión de los desechos del animal doméstico, equipo o cuencos de comida de los animales domésticos, …
UNSPSC Code: 42182802: Weight Capacity: 44 lbs. Capacity: Features. 0.6 Inch LCD display LB / KG conversion, LB / KG lock out, zero out / tare, auto zero, auto off With tray Professionals Also Viewed. View Full Comparison #531583; 185; Health O Meter #553KL;
O Ring / X Ring / Y бөгж үйлдвэрлэгчид, үйлдвэр, Хятадаас ханган нийлүүлэгчид, Бидний зорилго бол ...
The UNSPSC is a four-level taxonomy for the classification of products and services, provided by the United Nations Development Programme. In the taxonomy, the Segment is the most general element and the Commodity is the most specific. One example is listed below: Segment: 41000000. Laboratory and Measuring and Observing and Testing Equipment.
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This file contains a listing of commodities in the United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC), version 15.1101. The UNSPSC is a four-level taxonomy for the classification of products and services, provided by the United Nations Development Programme.In the taxonomy, the Segment is the most general element and the Commodity is the most specific.